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But Dame Vaako reassured her husband. Just because a monster comes with smiles and bearing gifts, it doesnt stop it from being a monster. She informed the Commander General of what she had witnessed. While the Commander was busy tracking down Riddick, Vaako's wife spoke to the Elemental Aereon who turned out to be a seer for the Lord Marshal. Transcendence isnt a blockbuster either, it is a movie about human condition, it doesnt have big action sequences, instead it has tons of conversations of philosophy and moral conundrums. privy to the drama being played out before them expected, was for the Lord Marshal to approach not his assailant, but a simple convert. People fear what they dont understand and anything that is to different from them. It ends with a philosophical conclusion about the reactions people would have to a God if one actually could be observed. All The Lord Marshals are extremely long lived, perhaps even immortal. riddick ending explained transcendence - Bulk update symbol size units from mm to map units in rule-based symbology, Using indicator constraint with two variables, Is there a solutiuon to add special characters from software and how to do it, Can Martian Regolith be Easily Melted with Microwaves. No one with Vaako's skill to carry out the sentence. Intrigued, Dame Vaako vowed to get to the bottom of this mystery. Vaako struggled to his feet. if you were in the situation of dr. Will caster will you upload mrs.evelyn caster/virus, why or why not? And then he goes into a hibernation. Is the price we pay for utopia too high? No, as of the events of Riddick, he has not transcended nor acquired the powers of a Lord Marshal. I think that you are forgeting the most imprtant fact. ? Conscious of his larger audience, Vaako chose to exercise tolerance. is inherently dangerous, I think, because we are essentially frail and mortal. No. Which is supported by the garden in their sanctuary still having the nanobots. Additionally, when Will said I want to spend the rest of my life with you to Everlyn in his last weeks, he meant it. is there enough hard drive space in the nanobots within that garden and do those nanobots only contain information about how to regenerate the planet or also on how to recreate the AI? At this time the Lord Marshal is attempting to destroy the population.He see that Kyra is now converted to the sect. One too obstinate or ignorant to conform. Vaako was the first to kneel before Riddick, the new Lord Marshal. Vaako could have surrounded the dome with drop-ships, but marching up in good order across the approach bridge was far more dramatic. Are there tables of wastage rates for different fruit and veg? Finally, she convinced him that if he would not do it for himself, or for her, than to do it for the faith. He did make a backup of both himself and his wife in some nanobots, dropped them into the garden through the faraday cage via the rain, and was content to live out eternity in that garden with his wife while the whole world believed him to be destroyed. Anyway there is a paradox because we know that the AI was Will but Will would never do what he did (maybe he did it because it was his wife dreams). 'Transcendence' Director Discusses Twist Ending - ScienceFiction Unaware of the complex machinations being plotted by others, Riddick strode purposefully towards the final confrontation with the Lord Marshal. Hi! How is that possible if the copper wiring was supposed keep all electrical signal out? Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. So that gaeden is nanobots and the living organisms are the solar pannels powering powering themif bao bots are na o then they could build a super computer nanobots sized that would be just as powerful as one we would build with larger than nanobots tech that we have existing nowthe only reason super comps and banks of processors are big is cuz they are hilt with our existing technology not with the movies nanobots tech that willie his conscience built, In response to many here the thing is we are already one with everything. From above, realizing what had happened, realizing how in the blink of an eye it had all gone completely, utterly, terribly wrong, Dame Vaako screamed as if she had been stabbed herself. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. LOL, I could go on and on but theres no point. If Vaako had said he was certain about it, then it was certain. Then the pup proves his worth, and becomes a companion to Riddick. destroying the spirit and covenant of death with scriptures They smell blood, they see a wounded thing and they just want to kill it and eat it. He would of known the moment he saw her she was carrying a virus. Still, it was clear that both of them dead, they just saw them lying together. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. At no time did the AI ever use violence against any human or kill any human. After the main events of the film, we find Riddick back at the Necromonger fleet, undoubtedly having snuck aboard the Necropolis in the usual manner. make sure, needed to make sure. He certainly managed to spread himself into the garden through that rain event, but is Evelyn with him? The CW's science-fiction television series The 100 started in 2014 and aired its seventh and final season in 2020. I some what agree with you. Ongoing attacks were halted as vessel after vessel lifted and turned toward the rendezvous point near the capital. The so-called radical anti-Will organization have devised a plan to infect Will with a virus. "Don't mess with me, and I won't mess with you." Can't stay in the open. That is when it struck him. He feels like a very elemental character that hasn't been cooked up by a studio. On the main floor, the Lord Marshal and the Purifier were interrogating an Elemental. What Does The Ending of Transcendence Mean? Reality, unfortunately, is cold, remorseless, and will not be denied - Kyra. Reluctantly, Vaako obeyed and departed to carry out his orders. As he moved to make a closer inspection of the body, the sun flared over the top of the nearby mountain. He was doing what he did to help save the world, which is what Evelyn wanted all along. Its a love story to me more than anything. Three people were there conversing in low voices. casters world already exists, although supragenetic human transformation is most likely to be interrupted by extinction. It would make you verycareful. Pfister shot the complete Dark Knight Trilogy alongside Nolan and even got an Oscar win for his work in Inception. (This ability is later to be revealed as the "Wrath of Furya.") Since Covu "The Transcended" discovered the gate to The Underverse, called "The Threshold", each successive Lord Marshal has made a pilgrimage to The Underverse. On their way down to the Necropolis, Dame Vaako and her husband take a detour to a sweeping balcony overlooking the central sanctum, to ensure their privacy. The AI was completely open and transparent about what it was doing and invited the public to come and observe what was happening. WHAT WAS WILLS CURE? Sure theres going to varying degrees of blending as things progress. One of the first things Will does once his conscience has been melded with the computer hardware is demand more power, which seems reasonable enough. My final thoughts on the moral dilemma I dont think there is a right or wrong answer. So he basically entombs himself, to keep the predators away from him. DONT THINK. He warned the Riddick that if he fell here, now, he would never rise. Inscryption ends with a final bit of weirdness. The film was also produced with a budget of 100 to 150 million dollars, without counting advertisements. At the end of the movie after everything was supposably whipped out. you don't see coming that puts you down. Riddick begin a fight with the Lord Marshal. The play was almost over, and the Lord Marshal knew the ending as well as he did its heroes and the villains. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. ROBOTS TURN HUMANS INTO ROBOTS. Just like the proverbial Adam and Eve (Evelyn???) But the Lord Marshal would take no chances, if by some dark miracle, Riddick was still alive. Wills consciousness immediately travelled across the vast network of computers and electronic devices, and he suddenly had access to information and systems like never before. The time limit for the release. Most of the entries in the NAME column of the output from lsof +D /tmp do not begin with /tmp. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. Here, the line of what is morally permissible seems to have been crossed, especially when Will controls the mans conscience and uses him to talk and attempt to touch Evelyn. Will is eventually able to use nano-technology to regenerate himself, but moments later, he and his facility are attacked. But the Commander General remained unconvinced. [Riddick] has a voiceover that says basically, "Necromongers. As for why he does it exactly as he does, its so that he can spend the rest of his time in his garden with evelyn as a singularity. What's its demeanor? Conversely, if Wills vision of world domination was to create utopia, then we are faced with the challenge of evaluating what is truly important. As the movie progresses, we see Will as thisomniscient, sentient machine becoming ever more creepy, and the radical anti-technology organization becoming increasingly more justified in preventing Will from gaining too much power. Yet no matter how strongly or sensibly he objected, she continued to insist that she had seen him here. He discovers that Vaako meant to keep his promise and that Krone had betrayed Riddick on his own. Evelyn gets wounded during the attack, and Wills facility loses much of its power. So, transcendence is unlocked -- which means that John Murphy (Richard Harmon) and Emori (Luisa D'Oliveira) get another chance after the latter died at the beginning of the episode and her mind drive was put into Murphy's body. Moving to distance himself from Kyra's body, Riddick slumped into the first seat that presented itself, which happened to be the throne of Necropolis. The downward slicing blade sent sparks flying as it struck the floor, leaving a gouge behind it. Nice reads, good movie, I am surprised that it is considered to be a flop seeing that it was was such a scientifically modern idea with great actors. But the Lord Marshal was no longer wholly human, nor his reactions. Change). After escaping the planet, Riddick made his way back to the Necromonger fleet to kill Vaako, only to find commander Krome in the Lord Marshal's chamber. With our limited resources, I was able to do I think a pretty good [job] of that in the movie. It only takes a minute to sign up. After that he repeatedly injects the venom into himself. Another plot hole is when the truck splashing through the water was all that it took for Will to know they were coming. We exist in a dream reality. The gathered crowd raised their voices in discontent. Knowing, moment from moment, seeing the future unfold like a perfect series of numbers. And he really doesn't kill in the movie. A Half Dead didn't die so easily. So we got a little one-on-one time with Twohy, and he spilled a crap load of plot details. ALL GOES BLACK AND YOU DON*T EXIST ANYMORE. A collective gasp of disbelief filled the throne room as the defender of the Faith dropped to his knees. A strict adherent to the tenets of Necroism, Vaako loyally followed the Lord Commander's will without question. Will spreads his nanomachines in the air, and they start working. but this is an excellent movie whith a deep emotions and pure imagination and makes me wondering why not technology can change the human condition negatively or very positively one day. No one had to part the milling Helions for him. They were free. Max and Evelyn get into a heated argument over the issue and Max is thrown out. Loved it! The Chronicles of RiddickRiddick. Posted on November 29th, 2021. This is where I cant come to a conclusion. He had deflected the blade just in time, and it had only grazed his face. Though she was partnered with the Commander, this did not keep others from trying to insinuate themselves into her good graces - and elsewhere. I just watched it for the first time and believe that they are alive. Image having the ability to exist in both a state of transcendence and then by choice decide to contract back down to exist as an old school human animal to experience reality through that interface. As long as the technology has a benevolent agenda, Im okay with the singularity. Will and Evelyn die in embrace, one next to another. What with considering will had the collective intelligence of several thousands times the smarts of all of humanity itself.