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Garfinkle. Please lay out two ways that the state can provide a measure of relief to Illinois homeowners and citizens, and please be specific with your answer. What other reforms do you believe are needed at DCFS? Deter crime and bring criminals to justice. Primary: March 19, 2024. vertical-align: middle; Jesse will be a governor who understands that small business is essential and that real outcomes for our people- not lobbyist opinions - must govern our State. Central Illinois venture capitalist Jesse Sullivan, who launched a bid for the Republican nomination for governor, is seen Sept. 10, 2021. Jesse Sullivan: Let's Fight to Make Illinois Strong - YouTube Sullivan is one of four announced candidates for the Republican nomination and the right to take on Democratic Gov. Please explain your answer. A native of Petersburg, a town of 2,258 people northwest of Springfield, Sullivan received his bachelors degree from St. Louis University and a masters degree in global government and diplomacy from Oxford University before getting his masters in business administration from Stanfords Graduate School of Business in 2015. Jesse Sullivan: Sullivan is a downstate Petersburg native who started venture capital firm Alter Global in California in 2015. To Save Illinois we have to stop the bleeding. display: inline; Runaway inflation continues to be a major source of concern for Illinois families. Incumbents are bolded and underlined. 123,330 +15.7% 15.7 % Richard Irvin. padding-left: 10px; font-weight: bold; What shocked me was that to a person, they said that Governor Pritzker and the Democrats never gave law enforcement a seat at the table. z-index:1; 100% remote. An average family of four owes more in unfunded liabilities ($76,000) than they earn in household income ($63,585). Records dont show any charitable grants made by Alter Global as a nonprofit. .widget-row.Republican { Republican governor candidates on the issues - Sullivan said with his experience in cryptocurrency as a funding source for his charity, he wants to make Chicago a leader in creating the future of the internet and all the jobs that come with it., Now, its like people think its fake money but its really the future of the internet and whats going to be created and all the jobs that come with it, Sullivan said. .votebox-results-cell--check { On the Record: Jesse Sullivan makes final drive for Illinois Governor He lost in the Republican primary on June 28, 2022. Despite all that, the three Republicans already in the field say cash cant win elections, and Illinoisans want someone who understands the Heartland not an out-of-towner supported by the big checkbooks of the Silicon Valley elites., In his Thursday debut, Sullivan billed himself as an outsider who wants to solve problems and deliver results for out neighbors in need.. The Bangladesh investment, Sullivan said, was from another entity which he said he incorporated in Delaware, Alter Global SPV 1. Illinois families need a new path forward on public safety and fresh, moral leadership to see it through. We cannot allow politicians to use their positions to enrich themselves and their friends. Boces-Sullivan: View Salary & Details: Kurt Mall J NY 2017 Boces-Sullivan N/A $65,027: Kurt Mall J: NY: 2017: N/A Boces-Sullivan: . Only $13,000 of Sullivans donations have come from Illinois residents, those records show. Jesse will remain steadfast in ensuring all Illinois citizens can feel safe in their neighborhoods, homes, and businesses, and he knows that starts with an education system that lifts people up, an economy that offers a path out, and a society that supports our most vulnerable. background-color: green; My name is Jesse Sullivan, and Im running to be the next governor of Illinois.. } See how other candidates answered here. We need to right-size government. Anti-politician and job creator Jesse Sullivan is running for governor of Illinois to fight against high taxes, corruption, and crime. Learn more and sign u. Im the only candidate in this race who is a true outsider who doesnt owe anything to anybody. Five governors have resigned from office, and three have died in office. height: 50px; Not pictured is Max Solomon. font-style: italic; Who is GOP governor candidate Jesse Sullivan? His tax-exempt charity We sent questionnaires to each of the candidates on the ballot, asking them to answer questions about pension obligations, state . color: #0645ad; } font-weight: bold; Sullivan raised $10,780,000 from seven out-of-town supporters in just five days. J.B. Pritzker, a billionaire heir to the Hyatt Hotel fortune. width: 35px !important; Contact our sales team. Self-Proclaimed 'Outsider' Jesse Sullivan Joins Race For IL Gov The people of Illinois are strong, but politicians have made our state weak. (E. Jason Wambsgans / Chicago Tribune). Doyle Fidelity Investments. Our manufacturing, information technology, agriculture, and countless others require trained, highly skilled employees. | Screen grab via WCIA There's a dramatic wrinkle in the . Sullivan moved back to Illinois the following year and continues to . clear: both; @media (max-width:600px) { p.survey-response {white-space: pre-line;} Jesse Sullivan (Republican Party) (also known as Sully) ran for election for Governor of Illinois. font-size: 12px; If we really wanted to unlock more investment dollars or more capital to help these companies, we realized the best way to do that is actually to set up a separate entity, Alter Global LLC, where they can actually invest their money and then they can get returns., Sullivan said none of the tax-deductible contributions used for his nonprofit were rolled into the for-profit entity and that Alter Global LLC paid the nonprofit Alter Global $10,000 to avoid any perceived undue benefit of the brand.. State and federal campaign records show Sullivan never made a campaign donation to a candidate or political group until June of this year when he gave $10,000 to the Illinois GOPs fund for federal candidates. font-size: 12px; } width: 100%; font-weight: bold; margin: 8px auto; Like Rauner, Sullivan has said, We need to run the state like a business.. Every parent in Illinois should receive a Backpack Scholarship to send their child to the school that best suits their needs: whether public, private, religious or charter. Jesse Sullivan is well-funded, but does he have a chance? Together lets fight to make Illinois strong," Jesse Sullivan said in a campaign ad. font-weight: bold; In fact, more kids were shot in Chicago than died nationwide from COVID-19 in 2021. After high school, his campaign says he attended several universities, including Oxford. The crisis at DCFS is very personal to me and my family my wife Monique and I made the decision to be foster parents and have welcomed two incredible foster kids into our home. J.B. Pritzker recently approved spending $250 million on community-based anti-violence programs over the next . A year later, he founded Alter Global in Redding, California, a venture to try to back some of the best entrepreneurs around the world, he told the Cook County GOP last month. So today amongst all of you I have an announcement. We have long known that corruption runs deep in Illinois politics. State legislature | Sullivan, a venture capitalist who has invested in high-tech startups in Silicon Valley, has raised $11 million to launch his campaign. Jesse Sullivan is a down-home guy from downstate Petersburgwith a side trip to Silicon Valley. I support the repeal of HB 3653, and a new regime to take its place. Yes. Jesse Sullivan enters governor's race | News | Illinois Times Deliver parental choice by funding students, not systems, Remove sexual predators from Illinois schools, Remove radical curriculum from the classroom, Pass the first Illinois Parents Bill of Rights. Illinois spends more money on school district-level bureaucracy than any state in the nation. Early Life. display: block; Sullivans campaign said more than 4,000 jobs have been created by ventures that received assistance from the nonprofit entity and another 3,600 jobs through 25 investments across 20 countries. Alter Global made limited financial investments and was heavily dependent on cryptocurrency for its funding. Illinois Republican Governor Debate: Candidates discuss Chicago Jesse Stanesa. But on Thursday, much of the focus was on fundraising. background-color: #003388; And we need to deliver regulatory certainty so that more businesses invest and more jobs are created right here in Illinois. California investor Jesse Sullivan running for Illinois governor as Republican candidate for governor Gary Rabine's attempt to strike rival Jesse Sullivan from the ballot failed Thursday. The following candidates ran in the general election for Governor of Illinois on November 8, 2022. Our administration will ensure that Illinois teachers have a proper and comprehensive understanding of American civics to teach these core principles to their students. Jesse Sullivan - Wikipedia Please, Illinois gubernatorial and lieutenant gubernatorial election, 2022. complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey. 1.0%. } What is your vision for meaningful, lasting ethics reform in state governance? Politics & Government Self-Proclaimed 'Outsider' Jesse Sullivan Joins Race For IL Gov The downstate native, 37, is the CEO of a venture capitalist firm and strikes a more moderate tone on COVID . } Our Clean Up Illinois agenda is an anti-corruption roadmap that will address the most severe ethical problems facing our state. margin-bottom: 4px; That cost the state a congressional seat. Born on August 19 #33. } padding-left: 0; Sullivan, who lists faith, family and service as his core values, said in announcing his candidacy that after a lot of prayer with my wife, I decided I feel like my life experiences and background have led me to a place that I actually could help turn things around in the state of Illinois.. He always dreamed of becoming an exemplary leader and running a governor in the state with exceptional political values and "shining the city on the hills". Despite ample legal trouble, Sizemore had steady film and television credits. .survey-result {padding:10px;} Francis Sullivan & Worcester LLP. A defensive stalwart, Oswego Easts Tyler Jasek surprises Joliet West. What should Springfield do to help reverse the rise in violent crime in Chicago and elsewhere in the metro region and state? .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper { She . 3 min read. Restore norms so criminal actions have consequences. } If you agree that Illinois needs faith, family, and service, and less of the insider corruption that has gotten our state to where it is, Im asking for your vote and your support on June 28th. margin-bottom:16px; Illinois Governor Republican Primary Results | USA TODAY Rising violent crime continues to be Chicagos top priority. a[aria-expanded=false] .fa-chevron-down { display: none; } Sullivans campaign said the forgivable loan served its purpose as a stopgap when the charity was unable to find donors attracted to its mission during COVID-19. vertical-align: top; width: 150px; Its going to take a true outsider, and Im the only one in this race who truly doesnt owe anything to anybody. Three-fourths of 11th graders in Chicago Public Schools do not meet grade-level standards for reading and math. } padding-left: 10px; border:1px solid #FFB81F; Central Illinois venture capitalist Jesse Sullivan launched a bid for the Republican nomination for governor, photographed in Petersburg on Friday, Sept, 10, 2021. .widget-row.Democratic { padding-bottom: 3px; The first step is to stop digging, which we can do by bringing the states retirement benefit more in line with the private sector and other states. Four of our last eleven governors are in prison for federal crimes. .election_results_text { width: 250px; It also attempts to match Alter Global Fellows, people with specialized expertise, with firms needing guidance. background-color: green; Separately, Republican candidates for Illinois governor Jesse Sullivan on Fox News and state Sen. Darren Bailey, R-Xenia, at a news conference in Chicago, and Democratic candidate Beverly Miles discuss how to address violence. background-color: #dac113; .widget-row.Green { What should be done to address the agencys shortage of proper shelter for children in DCFS care? One of Illinois' strengths is its diversity. For a copy of the latest cable TV buys, click here. .votebox-results-metadata-p { Sullivan said fees and penalties will be paid before the entity is closed. Schultz Sullivan & Worcester LLP. }) The voters should pick their leaders, not the other way around. Credit to Aaron Weaver. margin-top: 16px; District of Columbia (board of education),, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections. . height: 100%; As governor, I will deliver on a commitment to growth, lower taxes, and an end to the crime and corruption that is driving people out of state. I will reduce the barriers to starting businesses, and cut the taxes that make it so hard to afford real estate, hire employees, and invest in growth. .results_row td { div.oneoff-scrollbox.short { height:250px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } 6 Republicans vie to unseat Pritzker | STLPR } Gov. The Sullivan administration will implement the most sweeping educational reform in a generation, putting parents back in the drivers seat to get every child on the path to college or career-readiness, no matter their background. The first thing I will do as governor is push to end the Pritzker gas tax hike, easing the pain at the pump instead of pushing it off to next year. The first and highest responsibility of the government is to keep us safe. Let's save Illinois. display: table; .results_table { margin-bottom: -2px !important; Id list it as an entrepreneurial support organization, nonprofit.. The Alter Global Sullivan founded five years ago was a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization as approved by the Internal Revenue Service. (E. Jason Wambsgans / Chicago Tribune). display: inline-block; An education system that prepares our students to work and earn a living for their families. SOLUTION - COMPASSION WITH RESULTS Each one has just days to get their message out to Illinoisans. Invest in witness protection to help convict criminals by increasing penalties for intimidating and threatening witnesses, and by providing support to local departments to establish comprehensive witness and victim protection programs. font-weight: bold; Filing Deadline (Write-In Candidates): September 2024. The fellowships last six months and people are paid by their employers like an internship, he said. I was exhausted., Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. PDF Governor Healey Attendee List 3.1.23 First Name Last Name Company } Our 10-point agenda is the strongest ethics plan released by any gubernatorial candidate, and serves as our standing commitment to #CleanUp Illinois. As Governor Jesse Sullivan Will Prioritize The Crime Crisis in our State on Day 1. Currently, 70% of kids drop out of organized sports by the age of 13, which has given rise to a generation of overweight, unhealthy young adults. Hes focused on technologies that can both solve the climate crisis and grow the economy and put Chicago in the rightful position as a top-five global financial center by embracing fintech and crypto. 1.3%. div.survey-scrollbox { height:400px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } Public service is an act of love for our neighbor, but it is also an act of trust. .race_header { Published: May. Illinois massive pension debt is the number one reason for our high property taxes, the number one reason for our sluggish economic growth, and the number one reason for the poor quality of our government services. The gas tax has more than doubled under Pritzker, but his only response was to push the next hike off until after the election and force gas station owners to run campaign ads for the Democrats. } He decided to run for governor because his values moved him to "fix the broken politics . Cities across our state are facing a terrible spike in violent crime. How to vote | Trust and collaboration between parents, administrators and teachers is the key to student success. } 117,514 +14.9% 14.9 % Total reported. Central Illinois venture capitalist Jesse Sullivan launched a bid for the Republican nomination for governor, photographed in Petersburg on Friday, Sept, 10, 2021. Becoming a legislator should be a form of temporary public service, not a pathway to a lucrative lobbying career. } Sum up why should voters nominate you and not your opponent(s). Give us your assessment of the overhaul of the states criminal justice system that was passed by the General Assembly in January 2021. Im a coachs son; I grew up in a sports family, not a political one. Jesse Sullivan is an American personality who describes himself as a 5th generation Illinoisan and was brought up and lives in Petersburg. JB Pritzker spent $172 million of his own money to capture the office in 2018. All but 15 of Illinois 102 counties lost population, according to the census. if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes') = 'none'; What's on my ballot? This isnt a problem of dollars and cents. .votebox_bp_logo { Bruce Rauner, an equity investor with a track record of wealth and financial success, also presented himself as a blank slate outsider candidate to voters. .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { Jesse Sullivan. Long term, Illinois isnt going to tax our way out of the problem our worst-in-the-nation tax burden is already driving families out. J.B. Pritzker his first Republican challenger with an eight-figure bank account. Add a seat to the Legislative Ethics Commission for a non-legislator citizen, so that the commission cannot kill investigations into their political allies with 4-4 split votes along party lines. border-radius: 50%; (WSIL) -- Central Illinois venture capitalist Jesse Sullivan officially entered the Republican race for governor on Thursday, casting himself as an "outsider." Over 20 law enforcement professionals - including over 15 active sheriffs - have joined his Safe Streets Leadership Coalition, the most of any candidate. U.S. President | Fight recidivism by growing relationships between parole agents and law enforcement, and reprioritizing in-prison occupational training. | Venture capitalist Jesse Sullivan joined WMBD Central Illinois venture capitalist Jesse Sullivan launched a bid for the Republican nomination for governor, Sept. 10, 2021. Illinois is facing an epidemic of violent crime. } background-color: #f9f9f9; width: 250px; Appoint members of the State Board of Education who value local control, to ensure curriculum decisions are made at the local level wherever possible, rather than mandated by the state. While we were putting together our Safe Streets Agenda, we met with law enforcement from around the state. Weve been mocked., Suburban businessman kicks off GOP bid for governor emulating Trump, hoping to be as effective a leader in Illinois. The results have been certified. Absolutely. . .votebox-results-cell--number { margin-bottom: .75em; While Jesse Sullivan has been partnered with Silicon Valley elites, I have been creating jobs for working families right here in Illinois. display: block; Our administration will investigate and sanction the group accordingly, which may include reduced funding for salaries / benefits, and revocation of lobbying privileges. Welcoming foster children completes Petersburg family Rather than allowing the program to sunset in 2023, we will expand and improve the program to meet the needs of all families seeking access to a quality education for their children. The same old insiders and professional politicians arent going to solve this problem. He believes our politics should not be defined by our party alone, but by our commitment to bettering the lives of others through principled, data-based policy. trans boytrust me, my kid will change the plant basedBusiness: Ballotpedia features 395,557 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. Jesse Sullivan, the fourth person to declare for the 2022 Republican primary, is a venture capitalist from Petersburg - near Springfield and the home of Lincoln's New Salem - who says he . a[aria-expanded=true] .fa-chevron-right { display: none; } Jesse Sullivan speaks with Fox News Digital about crime, abortion, the economy and how a conservative Republican could be elected governor in a blue state like Illinois. Leadership on property taxes starts with a real change at the top somebody who will finally put the taxpayers ahead of the tax spenders. display: inline-block; .panel-heading:hover { cursor: pointer;} The five Republicans running for governor Bull Valley businessman Gary Rabine, Petersburg cryptocurrency venture capitalist Jesse Sullivan, Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin, state Sen. Darren Bailey . Estimated vote counts are provided by the Associated Press and informed by past turnout . padding-bottom: 0px; Venture capitalist enters GOP race for Illinois governor Republican Primary for Illinois Governor: 6 Candidates Jockey for GOP There is no better, faster way to save Illinois than to have a robust, growing economy that offers a path to jobs, financial security, and the ability to care for our families. People are curious to know the religion of Jesse Sullivan as he is the current candidate for governor of Illinois Republican. Rather than acknowledging this emergency, Pritzker in 2021 signed sweeping, radical legislation making the problem worse effectively punishing police and reducing penalties for committing crimes. Besides offering comprehensive coverage of state and federal elections, this site is a kick in the pants!" - Chicago Tribune. Another $4 million came from Kevin Taweel, CEO of Asurion, in San Mateo, California, described on the company website as the worlds largest provider of technology protection services.. Until now. From the start of the pandemic in March 2020 to December 2021, 12 children died of COVID-19 in Illinois largest city; 228 were murdered. Sullivan's campaign website stated the following: CHALLENGE - HIGH TAXES { if (typeof $ != 'undefined') { J.B. Pritzker ran for governor promising to do something about property taxes by convening a bipartisan task force of lawmakers. .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper .image-candidate-thumbnail { Restoring accountability to the system, so that criminals are held accountable. State and local courts | Sullivan announced his candidacy on Thursday. PETERSBURG, IL - Today, Jesse Sullivan released the results of an internal poll taken this week that shows Sullivan neck-and-neck with Darren Bailey for the lead in the Illinois governor's race. Who is Illinois GOP governor candidate Jesse Sullivan? - The Pantagraph A defensive stalwart, Oswego Easts Tyler Jasek surprises Joliet West. There is no better safeguard than a limit on how long they can hold power. Illinois Republican candidate for governor Jesse Sullivan speaks with the Gray TV Illinois Capitol Bureau on May 19, 2022. } position: relative; font-size: 1.25em; Jesse Sullivan, a Republican candidate for governor, speaks to the audience at a gathering at the Prairie Central Cooperative grain elevator west of Chenoa Wednesday. Together, Let's End Illinois' Crime Epidemic. background: #4c4c4c; The Republican candidates for governor are pictured in Capitol News Illinois file photos. Illinois has the second highest real estate property taxes in the country. Questions about Sullivans background have surfaced since the little-known resident of Petersburg in central Illinois announced his first run for political office on Sept. 9. But for decades, politicians in charge of Illinois education system have put teachers union bosses ahead of the interests of our students. of Xenia, Petersburg venture capitalist Jesse Sullivan and suburban paving magnate Gary Rabine. Jesse will embody what a political leader can and should be. Republican Illinois governor candidates on the issues float: left; } Governor Dunleavy announces Appointments to Boards and Commissions Do you support establishing a pension reform referendum that would ask voters to amend the Illinois constitution to allow a reduction of future benefit growth to levels that the state can afford, while keeping current earned benefits untouched? Federal courts | Four years of divisive, anti-police policies have ravaged our communities. Gary Rabine - Ballotpedia So we selected every venture that we worked with, but rather than us putting capital in, then we would always match them with other capital providers and we would not get paid for that, Sullivan said. ul.key-messages {list-style-type: none; margin-left:10px; } padding-left: 16px; Gubernatorial candidate Jesse Sullivan: 'We need to save the taxpayers Incumbent J.B. Pritzker defeated Beverly Miles in the Democratic primary for Governor of Illinois on June 28, 2022. padding-left: 0; } And the results are clear. color: white; margin-top: 1px; Our plan calls for actively enforcing the laws that are on the books; defending our heroes in law enforcement so that we can fill every vacancy, and put well-trained, well supported cops on the streets; and restoring accountability at every level of the system. Here is what I will prioritize as governor to reduce your property tax burden: Step one is addressing our glut of governments. This fight is about insiders, who talk a good game, versus us outsiders, who actually want to solve problems and deliver results for our neighbors in need, Sullivan says in the campaign video. Illinois has more promise and is more conservative than San Francisco, so I welcome him back to our great state and into the race., Former state Sen. Paul Schimpf of downstate Waterloo offered a more sincere welcome, saying in a statement another robust campaign spreading the message that J.B. Pritzker is undeserving of reelection is good news for the Illinois Republican Party.. word-wrap: break-word; display: inline-block; Alters filing said none of the donors stand to benefit from the charitys actions.