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Level is capped at 10 levels below the original level cap of the newest opened expansion, and only one EverQuest client may be run per computer. For DPS, priority should be: Heroic Dexterity -> Strength -> Stamina -> Agility. Stats are more meaningful in early EQ because they don't max out right away. Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Koggar.Bertoxxulous, May 4, 2015. Timer 4, Twisted Chance (65) LDoN Increase critical chance 500% and always hit. Not part of Planar Progression but is needed to get up to Xegony Island. Quest Guide HERE. Lasts 5 ticks. If you do all the quests in Gloomingdeep, you will end up with a fantastic set of Defiant-equivalent gear. (Youve received a character flag! Rogues damage starts off incredibly low in Classic but gets better and better all the way up until Omens of War at which point they do huge amounts of damage and compete for top dps in the game. We want you to play several EQ characters at once, come join us and say hello! The Hole - First form (with Master Yael). Plane of Disease [ ]Say what ward to Adler Fuirstel in Plane of Tranquility outside Plane of Disease (Youve received a character flag!) This is an extremely popular cape for these levels as it is pretty much better than anything else you can use here for these levels. Please enable Cookies by changing your browser options. Thanks to all who donate. For example, Fearless (40) requires player level 40. While we don't expect them to be needed for that purpose on Agnarr, most of the Noble Exchange NPCs already existed in the world and they now allow players to send and receive parcels in addition to their service as merchants. Legs: detrimental spell haste, increased double attack, Arms: increased spell damage (fire), increased chance to crit (melee), Head: Faerune (see invisible, ultravision and water breathing), increased spell damage (magic), Wrists: increased spell damage (poison, ), Back: increased beneficial spell duration, Shoulders: reduced detrimental spell mana cost, Ears: increased detrimental spell duration, increased chance to hit (archery/throwing), pet focus, Fingers: reduced beneficial spell mana cost/increased beneficial spell range, Neck: increased healing, improved parry/block, Range: increased spell damage (corruption), improved dodge. Always Riposte. Youll also need all flags up to Rallos Zek to zone into Solusek Ros chamber. Once Attack becomes a mod, youll also want to get to the attack cap from gear, which is 250. Ruleset: Planes of Power Era-Locked True Box Timelocked Progression - New expansions unlock automatically about every 12 weeks, only one EverQuest client may be run per computer, and expansions will stop unlocking with Lost Dungeons of Norrath in the Planes of Power era. Check out this Illusion Guide. Always prioritize Strength and Dexterity. Q: What is a True Box Progression Server? Some maps may have a yellow star on them. We have also enabled technology to dynamically increase the maximum number of characters allowable on a server at any given time. The higher the damage of the weapon the more damage Backstab does, but keep ratio in mind as well. It has much better stats than Othni, but has a chain look (on all classes). The expansion also raised the level cap from 50 to 60 and introduced an Epic Quest for each class. This page here is to go over the importance of getting rid of your Defiant Gear past a certain level. Timer 2. However, Wood elves can make Cultural Fletching Kits up to 163 (see Wood Elf section for combine details). Plane of Water [ ] Kill Coirnav in Plane of Water and Hail A Planar Projection to receive Sphere of Coalesced Water. This page is quite large so I recommended you zoom your browser out if you want to see more of the list at once (Ctrl + Mouse Wheel). A lot of factors can go into a group or solo play. Use this always when attacking. Q: What are these Noble Exchange Merchants? *Can this be skipped? There may be other options. **If you are having a flagging issue you may have to go back and forth between Grand Librarian Maelin and Seer Mal Nae`Shi a couple times to fix your flags.**. This guide assumes the following: - Your group can kill effectively in the given zone. Additional content and expansions then unlock over time, depending on the specific rules of the various servers. This is a server where loot has been randomized across rares and raids. For others, they are a chance to make those memories for the first time, to see those legendary times they missed the first time around. Koadadal Forge in Northern Felwithe, createsKoada`Dal Sewing Kit), Human Small Brick of High Quality Ore Bought (Multiple Vendors, Boiron Ston | -375, +500, Eastern Trader Building, PoK. This allows players to enjoy each era and expansion in order, similar to how the game evolved originally. Since the Defiant Gear is Attunable as well there isn't much new here and there is no reason for me to go over what Attunable gear is. Your body begins to emanate with the power of Trydan Faye. Q: Can I claim loot rewards from Legends of Norrath on Progression Servers? 20 min cooldown. Ruleset: True-Box Timelocked Progression - New expansions unlock automatically every 12 weeks, and only one EverQuest client may be run per computer. [Updated 5/26/2022] Experience:Progression (Faster than Classic, slower than Live). Numbers in () is the level required to use the skill. There is a very wide selection of people who are interested in each new Progression Server. The bottleneck is Leather Padding, which requires reagents that most commonly drop in East Karana. Lasts 1 min. For instance, the UI will be current, you will not leave your items on your corpse when you die, coin will not have weight, and the advanced loot system will be in place. This guide covers zones up to Omens of War. Troll Forge in Grobb, creates Troll Sewing Kit) Cannot buy this until possibly Dragons of Norrath, Vah Shir Small Brick of Ancestral Acrylia Bought (Arms Historian Qua | -180 +50, Shar Vahl. Get an instant cast clicky to mitigate mobs/bosses that cast dispel. Features we added later in the game to speed the path from 1-50 (or 70, or 85, or) such as revamped Newbie quests, Defiant armor, and Hot Zones, all exist. These ratings could be way off for some zones, so take them with a grain of salt. You can still kill Keeper of Sorrows and Saryrn ahead of time if you get piggied into PoTorment but youll need to fix your flags afterwards. Guide HERE. This level range will be the first level range where you can fill pretty much every single slot on your character with a piece of Attunable gear that is much better than whatever Defiant Gear would normally go in that slot. These are another slight upgrade over Heros. 223+ Blacksmithing gets very tedious. We have updated our Privacy Policy. 5 min cooldown. Possibly other times as well if you begin to run into flagging issues at any point. Timer 4, Duelist (59) Kunark Increase all damage by 50% and minimum damage by 400%. Cookies must be enabled in order to view this site correctly. I am not that experienced with experienced with Leveling in Gates of Discord, especially pre-level 65. Cazic-Thule - The form after Rubicite was removed. Experience: Progression (Faster than Classic, slower than Live). 40 min cooldown. 1.0 Epic: 1.5 Epic Pre-Quest: 1.5 Epic: 2.0 Epic: Shaman Pet Stats: Best in Slot Gear: Classic: Best in Slot Gear: Planes of Power: LDoN Raid Augments: Shaman Clickies . Once you begin to get Luclin/PoP raid gear they are generally maxed by default from gear and/or buffs. Visible consists of: chest, legs, arms, feet, head, hands, wrist (x2); non-visible of back, waist, shoulders, face, neck and range. [ ] Kill Solusek Ro and Hail a Planar Projection (Youve received a character flag!) ), Crypt of Decay [ ] Hail Elder Fuirstel in Plane of Tranquility in the Sick Bay. 52pp per Ore. Zone Spawn Timers. No, it's not a bug. You will also have access to Faycitum items from the Dragonscale Hills merchant and quest NPC, Fenden Helter. This necklace and it's "brother" necklace Adornment of Frenzy are probably the best necklaces you can use for levels 65 - 70. EverQuest Progression Servers: Gameplay Details. Also farm the appropriate illusion masks ahead of time. 5 min cooldown. say information to receive flag (Youve received a character flag!) It lowers your movement speed but +Run Speed buffs and AA can counteract this. For some, they are a wonderful stroll down memory lane, a chance to relive memories of the past. I believe you get 7 AA total, but that could be off. Seriously: there is no point buying any armor at these levels. Especially if you're a tank as the Defiant Gear lacks greatly in AC. By most descriptions, a "Classic" server is an attempt to recreate EverQuest exactly as it was at launch, using only assets and content that was available in March of 1999. Items such as EQ Kronos and the Mangler items are highly elusive in EverQuest, resulting in some gamers opting to get EQ items from third-party marketplaces instead. )1x Vial of Quicksilver Temper Crafted (Brewing, Trivial 135, Brew Barrel)1x Fungoid Sap Dropped (The Deep, an ancient shrieker)1x Meteor Dust Dropped (The Grey, a sun revenant)1x Shiknar Ichor Dropped (Fungus Grove, shiknar mobs)1x Shissar Blood Dropped (Ssraeshza Temple, Shissar mobs), (Borik Darkanvil, Southeast Trader Building, PoK | Loc: -375 +500). Ruleset: Heroic Start True-Box Timelocked Progression - New expansions unlock automatically every 12 weeks, only one EverQuest client may be run per computer, and players begin at Level 85 in House of Thule. Lasts 2 ticks. I do read the . Features that were added with expansions, such as the Bazaar (Luclin) and armor dye (LoY) are scheduled to unlock when those expansions are unlocked. Youll also need to use different molds and a varying amount of Sheet Metal based on which piece youre making. The system will allow a full raid (72 players) into an instance. This is a slot by slot list of Necromancer gear in progression, with approximate levels you could camp/acquire each item. Planes of Power is unique due to a lot of the zones being locked behind the flagging system. New Hero's Forge Keyring. Not until the server progresses to the point at which the race, class, or combination was added. Yes, even though many NPCs have been added to the game for quests that are not yet available (including epic quests), we have not removed most of the NPCs that exist for those quest purposes in the original continents. We want to encourage players to play with their friends on this server, and not just form groups of only their alts. Temple of Marr (HoHB) [ ]Kill Lord Mithaniel Marr in Halls of honor B and Hail A Planar Projection (Youve received a character flag! Your body begins to emanate with the power of Rhaliq Trell. [ ]Kill Grummus and Hail a planar Projection (Youve received a character flag!) Heroic Stamina Mitigation/Stun Resist This decreases your damage taken by mobs. Keep Heal, Haste, and Spirit of Wolf potions handy. General Ranger Guides: 1.0 Epic: 1.5 Epic Pre-Quest: 1.5 Epic: 2.0 Epic: Best in Slot Gear: Classic: Best in Slot Gear: Planes of Power: LDoN Raid Augments: Ranger Clickies: Ranger Quest Items: Jeweled Quiver of the Hand: Guide . Accuracy is also good as it increases your chance to hit. (Youve received a character flag!) You can click the associated Map to find the leveling area that applies to you. Only one EverQuest client may be run per computer. This is a server where each player will only be able to play one EverQuest account from his or her computer at a time. Level this up a bit if you plan to do your 1.0 Epic. [ ] Say I have stories to Gram Dunnar to receive free AA and Charm stat upgrades as you progress. (Borik Darkanvil, Southeast Trader Building, PoK | Loc: -375 +500, (Farming Option Lower Cost but takes much longer), (Spending Option Higher Cost but much faster), (Various high level Luclin zones, back of The Deep Thought Horror mobs. TSS Everquest Guides This is the index page for all of my The Serpent's Spine guides. Additional content and expansions then unlock over time, depending on the specific rules of the various servers. Yes, Race change potions are available on Progression Servers. ), Plane of Nightmare [ ]Say tortured by nightmares to Adroha Jezith in Plane of Tranquility in the Sick Bay. Q: When will classes or races that were not available at launch be available on Progression Servers? [ ] Green Steps are NPC dialogue or zoning related [ ] Red Steps are boss kills/fights [ ] Italic Steps are not required flags. For these earlier levels most of the Attunable gear we're going to be buying will be off pieces. The no drop armor components from the Grounds are the same cost, without the tradeskill requirement, although these will have an 82 required level. Q: What purchases are required to play on Progression Servers? If anything drops that I can wear, I will equip it, and items for other classes I sell in the Bazaar - low level Defiant sells much better than higher level. NPC's like Castlen Drewe can help.Join my d. Rogues scale well from buffs such as Shaman Avatar line, Bard Overhaste, Beastlord Ferocity, and Ranger attack buffs. The bracers require, Medium Quality Folded Sheet Metal (Triv 168), Medium Quality Folded Sheet Metal (Triv 179), Medium Quality Folded Sheet Metal (Triv 188), (Plate Bracer Mold (168), Small Plate Helm Mold (179), Breastplate Mold (188)), (Drops in most PoP zones from random trash), (Brewing, Trivial 212, skill 220 required, Brewing Barrel), (Sirekoth Eshe, Eastern Trade Building, PoK | Loc: +100, +280), (Baking, Trivial 15, Mixing Bowl, Makes 3), (Darius Gandril, Western Trader Building, PoK | Loc: +55, +1520), (Loran ThuLeth, Western Trader Building, PoK | Loc: -114, +1415). This is purchased in Ethernere Tainted West Karana from Blacksmith Cerray. Unlike the other pieces of gear these necklaces actually can get a bit pricey because people know their worth and how good they are compared to what else is out there. All rights reserved. Say yes to Chronographer Muan to port up to PoTime Clocks. Standard servers have all race/class combinations available, and players can reach the maximum level cap (currently 105) with no restrictions. Q: I died but all of my items stayed with me. Guktan Forge in Gukta, createsGuktan Sewing Kit) Cannot buy this until possibly Dragons of Norrath, Gnome Small Brick of Fortified Bronze Bought (a clockwork miner | +760, -150, AkAnon. Item Progression/Stat Information. When The Buried Sea unlocks, True Box will be removed. Ruleset: True-Box Timelocked Progression - New expansions unlock automatically every 8-12 weeks with early expansions unlocking more often, and only one EverQuest client may be run per computer. Lasts 5 ticks. Join Discord. *Make sure to use sneak before hide for this to work*, Pick Lock and Disarm Trap Rogues can Pick Lock and Disarm Traps. Both 1.0 and 2.0 are very strong Level up Pick Pocket early as its used in the Rogue 1.0 Epic. ncrease all damage by 50% and minimum damage by 400%. High end means all stats including AC are capped. All rights reserved. Guide HERE [ ]Complete Agnarr the Storm Lord event then say I will follow the path of the Fallen. to Karana (Youve received a character flag!) (Youve received a character flag!) Get to 200 Strength ASAP as that is the soft cap to maximize backstab damage. Player Level refers to the sweet spot level range for the player to both gain good experience while still being able to be effective (landing spells/melee) This doesnt mean you must be between this level range. Each boss in the zone will grant a6.5 dayaccount-wide lockout. If you can't run a Trader to sell the loot you farm then I recommend the following locations: Each of these locations will offer you a great amount of plat from mob kills alone and vendor trash whereas a lot of the other locations offer items you will be primarily be selling in The Bazaar rather than to vendors. A hotkey for this would look something like: In order to Backstab you need to be behind the mob. This will reduce the power of summoned companions with increasing severity based on the total number of summoned companions that are attacking the raid target. You can tell when an item isn't usable by you for some reason when it turns that slot yellow in your inventory. Q: Are Race change potions available on Progression Servers? You may have up to 3 clients per computer logged into the server at the same time. Thanks to all who donate. You will have a full set of visible armor from this, but not jewellery or non-visible gear. These are significantly better than the tier 2 (no trade) items from HoT. This guide does not cover piggybacking. In cases where we have updated or changed the layout of zones, Progression Servers use the updated version of the zone geometry. Defiant Gear is some of the best gear you can level with in the entire game until a certain point and then it becomes some of the worst gear you can level with in the entire game. Platinum Making guide for low or new players. By this time your base stats will already be maxed out from gear. Beautiful new Zones to explore. Experience: Live (Faster than Classic and Progression). No. If you cannot make a Cultural Kit, an alternate path (which will only take you to 142) is listed in the next section. If you've been around for a while, you'll remember that we added Heroic Characters in 2014 at level 85. Hail Thelin Poxbourne at the end of the event to zone out. As the tank merc starts to wind down, and mobs power up as the expansions move forward, it is worth regearing. It seems like it's possible to get both the introductory Thurgadin armor as well as Skyshrine, but if you get the armor from Kael, that's the ONLY armor you can get due to being enemies with both of the other factions. The achievements for completing Seeds of Destruction tasks reward with Paragon armor, all slots, including jewellery. Additionally, several adjustments have been made to the power curve of pets prior to the release of the Shadows of Luclin expansion. Only enough people need to do these to keep your raid moving forward. Lasts 5 ticks. It's still nice gear to use but there is so much better gear out there which will make a gigantic difference when it comes to leveling. I recommend doing the steps below more than once throughout the flagging process. Is this a bug? Guide HERE. Usually you want to get Offensive or Utility AAs first. Weren't augs a later addition? It is a tradable 4-slot container [ ] Combine Globe of Dancing Flame, Amorphous Cloud of Air, Sphere of Coalesced Water, Mound of Living Stone in Odylic Vial to create Quintessence of Elements. This necklace and it's "brother" necklace Gorget of Ferocity are probably the best necklaces you can use for levels 65 - 70. Our plan is to create servers where people can have the Progression Server experience they want, without pulling the rug out from under the feet of players that are happy on the server where they currently play. Q: Will you be removing changes made to game functions? At all levels player made jewellery is a valid options; it can be adjusted by augments to give mana, HP or AC; but I am going to ignore it for now. Frogloks will launch with Legacy of Ykesha. Each piece of the Archaic gear usually goes for 1 - 3k tops in The Bazaar making it extremely affordable for how much it will help you. Everquest 65/70+ Gear Upgrades This page here is to go over the importance of getting rid of your Defiant Gear past a certain level. Shadow Knight Best in Slot (BiS) Planes of Power Gear Guide | EQProgression Shadow Knight Best in Slot (BiS) Gear Planes of Power Use this guide as a tool to help yourself decide on how you want to gear. Be sure to sit down. Generally rogues dont have aggro issues with decent tanks. Immune to Fear for 1 minute. Some of the best AA sorted by type are: Offensive Combat Fury (SoL+) Increases chance to critical strike Ambidexterity (SoL+) Increases dual wield success rate Chaotic Stab (SoL+) Backstab for minimum damage if not behind target Finishing Blow (SoL+) Procs huge damage when mob below 10% HP (scaling NPC level cap based on AA rank) Burst of Power (PoP+) Increases Double Attack chance Planar Power (PoP+) Increases Max Stats Weapon Affinity (GoD+) Substiantially increases proc pate Triple Backstab (GoD+) Increases chance to triple BackstabVirulent Venom (GoD+) Increases melee proc rate Veterans Wrath (OoW+) Increases critical hit damage Backstab Precision (OoW+) Increases Backstab accuracy, Defensive Combat Stability (SoL+) Increased Mitigation AC Combat Agility(SoL+) Increased Avoidance AC Natural Durability(SoL+) Increased HP % Physical Enhancement (SoL+) Increased Mitigation/Avoidance AC, Utility Escape (SoL+) Allows you to drop all aggro. You'll also need to use different molds and a varying amount of Sheet Metal based on which piece you're making. Much like the Moonlight Cape; this is an extremely popular cape for these levels as it is pretty much better than anything else you can use here for these levels. 15 min cooldown. I apologize if I am missing a few pieces of gear, EQ is a big game I can't get absolutely everything documented! At the same level you can complete the Disgruntled Boab quests in Crescent Reach to get face and waist items; the mask has a useful disease resist clicky. Remember that if you are a pet class (magician, necromncer or beastlord), you will want to reserve one ear slot for a pet focus. This guide will walk you through your various options regarding Progression Servers - because, yes, there are more than one! [ ] Optional Quest for A Screaming Sphere (Key) to open the door to Saryrns Tower in Plane of Torment. Your body begins to emanate with the power of Alekson Garn. Rares also are more likely to spawn. This is important to mitigate damage and to resist stuns. This is a server where players vote on whether or not to open the next expansion. [ ] Complete the Keeper of Sorrows Event in Plane of Torment and Hail Tylis Newleaf who spawns at the end of the event. Both 1.0 and 2.0 are very strong. Join Discord. [ ] Kill The Rathe Council in Plane of Earth B and Hail A Planar Projection to receive Mound of Living Stone. Grab an Avatar proc weapon from Sleepers Tomb if you raid Get an instant cast clicky to mitigate mobs/bosses that cast dispel. Completing this quest will yield you Vah Shir Anvil, Humming Luclinite Mallet, and Luclinite Mallet. These are all turn ins to Thach Jerden in the Plane of Knowledge, returning an armor item specific to your class. Generally GoD is best for 65 AA grinding or possibly grinding 65 70. We might! Use the following recipes to make Fine Plate Gear up to 188. In that time, we have seen numerous eras, expansions, worlds, and characters as the game and the community have evolved. A Progression Server usually starts out with only original EverQuest zones (plus some early additions). This allows players to enjoy each era and expansion in order, similar to how the . Timers with the same number share a cooldown. As a Rogue youll always want to have a dagger in your mainhand for your Backstab skill. The most important pieces out of all this gear that you can buy is the Archaic gear which comes from named mobs in the SoD (Seeds of Destruction) Expansion. Rogues primary focus is on Offensive Discs. (Youve received a character flag!) You don't need to use an item in the world to insert augmentations into items anymore. Loot from rares and raids is randomized so that NPCs/raids of similar level and expansion can drop any of their loot. Low end means stats such as STA counts at full STA:HP ratio. Mostly towards the later stages. Drakkin will launch with the Serpent's Spine. Click the door nearby to enter Plane of Earth B. It is convenient to separate armor into three sets: visible, non-visible, and jewellery. With that said, Rogues do have the ability to Evade during combat. [ ]Complete Trial 3 (Southeast Trial Save Single Villager) then Hail Alekson Garn to receive flag emote: An ethereal mist descends from the air and surrounds your very being. The TDS equivalent is Castaway, which drops and can be bought with Pieces of Eight; access to Katta Castrum: Deluge (tier 1) in TDS is required. Plane of Mischief - Original population, without the "easy" entrance. If you follow the normal rules for levelling and use a tank merc, this set will last you into the 50s. While soulbinders are a more recent addition to the game, we feel that they provide a necessary service for players at all levels who can't bind themselves in a new town. Latent Ether drops from Call of the Forsaken, and requires access to Call of the Forsaken zones. Grand Librarian Maelin and Seer Mal Nae`Shi a couple times to fix your flags. (5x Youve received a character flag!) Erud Forge in Erudin or Paineel, creates Erudite Sewing Kit), Froglok Small Brick of Valorite Bought (Zok Drup | -1740, -50, Gukta (Rathe Mountains). Plane of Earth [ ] Optional Kill Tantisala Jaggedtooth in Plane of Earth A. Loot Gem-Etched Key. Q: What is a PoP-Locked Progression Server? The following will be enabled day one: Because leadership AAs were introduced as an expansion feature but later added for free to everyone, they will be available at launch as well. Note: Some races, such as Gnomes, Frogloks, and Half Elves may not be able to buy the vendor ingredient needed for this combine until Dragons of Norrath. Stormguard Forge in South Kaladim, creates Dwarven Sewing Kit), Erudite Small Brick of Titanium Bought (Shinan Orefinder | -680, -250, Erudin or Faratain | +940, +420, Paineel. It's also a good practice to use /bug, particularly if a specific NPC is involved.